Friday, July 31, 2009

Radiation Consultation

I am on Day 9 and still no ill effects from the Herceptin. It kind of wreaked havoc with my bowels for about a week but that is all. The evil Taxotere is still rearing its ugly head though. I still have a bitter after taste when I eat certain things, especially sweets. My face is still sensitive and my energy isn’t back completely. The worst of it is that I seem to be losing my fingernails. Some of them (especially the thumbs and index fingers) are barely hanging on. I went for a manicure the other day because I couldn’t stand looking at them anymore. They were so dirty looking and I couldn’t get them clean. She covered them up with some nice nail polish so they look good now but they really hurt today and I keep bumping them. It won’t take much to rip them off so I am trying to be so careful but you know how that goes. There will be some very colorful language when it happens because it already is like that when I bump them – it just hurts sooo much! I just need to keep them for a couple of months since the new ones are only coming up about ¼ of an inch. (Yeah right - like that is going to happen!)

My hair is growing! It is so wispy and fine that I can't even really see it unless I turn my head this way and that to catch the light but it's there!

I saw the radiation oncologist on Thursday. (Dr. V) He is very nice, compassionate and easy to talk to. He took the time to ask about our family and what they are doing. He asked where we are from and asked questions about Nipawin. He examined me to make sure that I have enough movement in my arm to be able to lay in the proper position during the radiation treatment. I was all set and ready to get my tattoos and prepped for radiation but this was just a consult to explain it to me and see if I was willing to go through with it. Now I have to go back next Wed for all of that. My appointment is at 2:30 so I can just go in for the day for a change. They said I will likely start on Aug 17 and go for 5 weeks Monday to Fri.

1 comment:

Cheryl/Larry said...

Wow, Berni this is an amazing jouney. I continue to admire your strength and honesty. You are an exceptional woman. I think of you often. When in the city and if you are up to it call and we'll chat (384-6227). Keep going strong my friend.